Mother of Learning Wiki
Zorian Kazinski
Zorian Resize
Vital statistics
Position Cyoria
Age 15 (+~1613 days in loop)
Status Time Traveler (Loop # ?49 (at least loop # 86 count lost at Zach v. Dragon))
Physical attributes

Zorian Kazinski, the time looping mage protagonist. He has a complex marker embedded in his soul which likely the reason for the him repeating the same month over and over. He also has a fragment of a another soul (probably Zach's) in his which is slowly being absorbed over time.


He is studious, moral (though not rule-bound) and a hard worker at his school. He's also a bit of an introvert, but sometime he enjoyed the company of other people who he likes and respects. He reads fiction in his spare time for entertainment. He used to get angry fairly easily (especially when people mentioned his brother), but during his time in the loop he has become much more mellow.

Personal History

It's been mentioned that he has had run-ins with law enforcement in the past. It's also been mention that nosy neighbors have gotten him in trouble during past escapades. He sometimes dreams of “talking birds, floating pyramids, three-eyed wolves”. He's mentioned that he's had bad experiences with alcohol which is why he doesn't drink. He has also had bad experiences with priests which is why he isn't religious (that and he thinks poorly of the gods). His initial (pre loop) choice of electives was engineering, mineral alchemy, and advanced mathematics. In chapter 66 it was mentioned that he has been trapped in the time loop for nearly 6 years.

Family History

His family is engaged in some type of trade. It's been mentioned that they have had contractual disputes with farmers. They live in what Zorian calls a "glorified village". They seem to be fairly well off.

He doesn't get along with any of his family except his sister. He describes himself as the black sheep of the family, but lately his parents have been paying more attention to him because his brother Fortov is incompetent and they need a spare heir in case something happens to his other brother Daimen.

It's been implied that his older brothers treated him poorly. Especially Daimen who practiced restricted magic on him. He resents Daimen a lot and tends gets upset when people talk about him (although less so as time goes on). His parents lecture him a lot about various subjects. He doesn't feel his dad cares about him or his sister, and nothing in the story indicates that he's wrong.

Known Family List

Mrs Kazinski (Zorian's Mother)

Mr Kazinski (Zorian's Father)

Kirielle Kazinski (Zorian's Younger Sister)

Fortov Kazinski (Zorian's Older Brother)

Daimen Kazinski (Zorian's Eldest Brother)

Grandma of Zorian

Abilities Both Magical and Mundane

Zorian started out being competent for his age, and as time has progressed he has only gotten better. Listed below are some of his abilities both of the magical and non magical nature.

Natural Magical Ability

He is "open" as the aranea call it. This gave him empathy (which lets him have some sense of others people's emotions) and made it difficult for him to be in crowded places (although this is no longer a problem for him). Because he is open it's possible for him to learn mind magic from the aranea which he has done in a number of restarts. Below is a list of some of his mental powers.


The ability to sense the emotions of non shielded mind. He had this ability from the start, but aranea training helped him refine the ability and turn it off when needed.


The ability to communicate silently between minds. This ability in a responsive form was innate but initiating contact with other telepathic minds, and more recently a two-way telepathic bond between him and a non-'open' individual, were taught to him by the Cyorian aranea, and the Luminous Advocate aranea respectively.

Intrusion Detection

As an 'open' Zorian is capable of detecting foreign minds should they invade his own.

Mental Defense

Initially to protect his mind he relied on the 'Mind Shield' spell but more recently, thanks to Mind Like Fire, he has adapted a very formidable mental shell that even his aranea teachers find hard to get past.

Mind Sense

He is able to sense minds around him. He can get some basic information about each mind – how complex their thoughts are, their species, their gender, stuff like that. This was initially taught to him by the Cyorian aranea.

Mind Reading

He is able to read the thoughts of sentient beings, on a surface level. He has reached proficiency in such arts and can now casually scroll through a human's surface thoughts as displayed in his interactions with Rea. However, this has only come about recently his past attempts to do so were less successful, succeeding only in spooking away pigeons.


The ability to subtly encourage a being to behave in a certain manner, not strictly against their will but not with it. This may be displayed by making them trust someone they otherwise wouldn't, making them look away from the user if the user is in a compromising position, or perhaps feel fear towards the user they would not normally be inclined to feel. The ability has sub-properties of emotional amplification, and emotional dampening. This ability was first demonstrated by him coercing pigeons to eat from his hands while waiting for Kael at the train station. In one restart he used this ability to coerce a pair of lightning lizard's to attack each other instead of helping the invaders.


The ability to usurp a users will. Other than as pigeon practice, and compelling members of the Cult of the Dragon Below to fall asleep when captured, this darker more feared mind art has not been much displayed by Zorian.


The ability to usurp a body from its owner for the users purposes. This ability was first displayed by Zorian when he was caught by Red Robe, causing Red Robe to drop his spell rod. It has not been much displayed since.


The ability to manipulate what an opponent is sensing. This has not been much displayed by Zorian but is assumed heis somewhat proficient in it. It has been displayed by the aranea of Cyoria to real-time edit themselves out of the senses of the guards to the dungeon when conversing with Zorian and Kael. He also used it on an invader when trying to access the portal to Sudomir's mansion this made him able to slip past the guard.

Memory Mind Arts

The ability to read a targets long term memories, edit them, fabricate them, or delete them. As of yet Zorian is a novice in this, and his attempts have led to the death, and crippling of some of the members of the Cult of the Dragon Below, despite this, this is a skill that he needs, for both reading the memory packet the aranean Matriarch gave him, and for someday restoring Zach's missing memories, so though this may sicken him he must continue to practice.

Mental Combat

Recently he has become proficient at mental combat.

Alchemy and Potion Making

He has some experience in potion making from his witch grandmother. He is also interested in and knowledgeable about alchemy.

Spell Formulas

He has always been interested in spell formula, and someday wishes to make a living of it. Over time he has become skilled at it which allows him to take commissions and make various items for himself. He has demonstrated the ability to make spell formula's that make casting spells he knows faster and more efficient.


He is good at divination. Most of the divination he knows are library divination (from his time working at the library) and ones that are useful for police work (thanks to having a detective as a teacher). Also, his natural mind magic ability gives him some advantage with this field of study.


Zorian has some skill at warding although he lacks a competent teacher so he is mostly self taught. He can ward against teleportation, magic, scrying, fire, and sound.

Golem Making

In recent chapters he has engaged in golem making. His first golems were crude wooden affairs (chapter 32), and slightly less crude dolls for Kirelle but in later chapters (chapter 37) he demonstrated that he could make more combat capable steel golems which were vulnerable to being torn apart. After that (chapter 46) he worked with Edwin to design better quality steel golems which were less jury rigged, and were immensely resistant to damage but vulnerable to being buried.

Shaping Skills

At the beginning of the loops he had above average shaping skills. As the loops have gone on his shaping skills have become incredibly good.


He has a vast knowledge of spells, and moderate experience with combat spells e.g. magic missile, shield, flamethrower. Bellow is a list of his most common spell types.

Magic Missile:

Shoots bolts of force at enemies. It's possible to shoot more then one at a time, make it do piercing or bludgeoning damage and/or made them home in on the target. A perfectly cast Magic Missile is invisible. People's magical capacity is often measured by how many magic missiles they can cast at one time. This is the only combat spell Zorian can cast reflexively, and one of his preferred spells. In the beginning he could only cast 8 missiles before running out but recently it has risen to 20. By later stages (chapter 46) he can cast 35 in a row due to improvements in efficiency. Now, he is capable of perfectly casting his magic missiles, thus rendering them invisible. He learned this spell from Zach.


He can create a shield of force around him to protect him from damage. Later on he acquires a number of variants, like version designed to stop fire, and an aegis to provide him with all around protection. His shields are still vulnerable to shield piercing attacks like force lances.


Learned from Tinami, this spell creates an optical cloak that prevents others from seeing him. Broken by casting spell, fighting, or running.


Initially taught by Ilsa, this allows him to rapidly move from one area to another, with the limitation that wards could stop teleportation. He later designed and found a number of improvements, like a teleport beacon/recall spell and from Gurey that could punch through interference that he improved later, a short distance teleport, and from the aranea treasure storage a version that could cut through weaker wards.


A highly destructive and dangerous spell which creates a wave of fire around it. Taiven teaches it to him, and Xvim and Alanic help him refine and improve it later on. He kills a frog monster with it later.

Dispel magic

A variety of spells that disrupt magic. He later learns mass versions and dispel wave versions which can dispel in an area or dispel everything in front of him.

Combat spells

A variety of spells he's learnt with some combat function that aren't repeatedly used. Taiven's defensive and offensive spells using fire, force, electricity and coldness, pocket meteor, force lance.

Utility spells

A variety of spells he's learnt with some utility function. Rain shield, dust shield, alteration of matter spells, illusion spells, divination spells, scrying spells, animation spells, non detection spells.

Other Skills and Abilities

Zorian has demonstrated a various of other useful skills and abilities some of which are listed below.

Good memory. He is good at remembering stuff which has been very useful to him throughout the time loops.

Understanding of Locks. He has an understanding of the working of locks. This means he can unlock locks magically with his shaping skills or mechanically with lock-pics.

Knowledgeable. He is knowledgeable about a number of subjects both magical and mundane including astronomy, history and geography.

Spell Formulas and Other Items

At current time in story. He has suicide items (currently steel rings) and golems for his personal use. He is an expert at spell item creation.

Teachers of Note

Zorian has had a variety of important teachers who have helped him reach his current level.
