Mother of Learning Wiki

Haslush Ikzeteri is a detective in Cyoria's police department that teaches Zorian divination. He is middle aged, wears cheap clothes, unshaven, but has a confident stance. He says "I actively cultivate a somewhat unflattering façade. It helps people relax around me"[1]. He is a drinking buddy of Ilsa Zileti. He knows an alteration spell for converting alcohol into sugar[2] (and teaches it to Zorian[3]).

He is put in charge of investigating the rumor Zorian started about the "mentalist spiders" (aranea). He didn't want to do that, which leads to him become Zorian's divination tutor instead, at the request of Ilsa Zileti.[2] Zorian tells him about the invasion of Cyoria in one restart but nothing seems to come of it[1].

In a later restart, Haslush investigates the kidnapping of Nochka Sashal and questions Zorian about it. Zorian reads the policemen's minds and concludes (not quite correctly) that Sashal family is a family of cat shifters.[4]

After the time loop ends, Zorian sends a disguised simulacrum to give Haslush collected information on the invaders and their agents, and "information to be distributed to various people" if Zorian dies.[5]

Haslush later refers Raynie to Rea Sashal for help in the search for Raynie's kidnapped brother[6]. Rea, in turn, refers Raynie to Zorian [7]. Zorian sets up a ritual room for a divination spell meant to find Raynie's brother. Upon seeing it, Haslush seems horrified and comments that "more money went into this room than my entire police department gets in a year" and "the extravagance is mind-boggling".[6].


  1. 1.0 1.1 chapter 16
  2. 2.0 2.1 chapter 15
  3. chapter 62
  4. chapter 40
  5. chapter 98
  6. 6.0 6.1 chapter 100
  7. chapter 99